Parent/Family Resource Page

CO-CABE will be holding monthly workshops and conference workshops to support and empower parents. Keep an eye out for announcements.

Parent/Family Events

Parent/Family News

DPS Parents do you know all you can about the 19 schools that are being considered for closure or consolidation? Click on the link above.

DPS Padres, ¿sabe todo lo que puede sobre las 19 escuelas que se están considerando para su cierre o consolidación? Haga clic en el enlace de arriba.


Un panel de discusión sobre los temas de la disminución de la matrícula de DPS,...
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Concurso de Deletreo 2022

The State Spanish Spelling Bee/Concurso de Deletreo has been held since 2016. CO-CABE would like to thank the Boulder Valley School District and Casey Middle School for hosting the Spelling Bee 2022. We would like to congratulate all the students who participated and the following school districts for supporting their students; Jeffco School district, Pouder school district, Denver Public Schools, Global Village Academy, and Boulder Valley School District. The students that place in the top four were, in 4th place Ian Haros Martinez Casey Middle School, 3rd place Nazanín Reséndiz Academia Ana Marie Sandoval, 2nd place Miyana Thompson Escuela Bilingue Pioneer, and in 1st place Diego Colin representing Manhattan Middle School of the Arts and Academics Boulder Valley School District. Diego will represent the state of Colorado at the National Spanish Spelling Bee in El Paso, along with Ian Haros Martinez of Casey Middle School. Unfortunately, Miyana Thompson cannot represent at the National Spelling Bee due to her grade level of 3rd grade. Students must be in 4th grade or above to compete at the national level. CO-CABE would like to wish Diego and Ian and there families a huge congratulations and good luck at the national spelling bee in July in El Paso Texas.
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